Friday, July 17, 2009

SOme random Thoughts

"Thinkers" says that man is turning into machine. But i feel we are making machines more humane. Neither the PCs nor mobiles are mere electronic gadgets. We attach some or other emotions with it. I have observed my little bro taking caring system as if it is his dog,worrying about expiring anti-virus or getting all-through excited when microsoft decides to release yet another version of OS. Same was the case with my pal with her mobile, always clutching it anxiously. We used to tease her, saying to take care of her oxygen cylinder. Well i think this is not a recent phenomenon. My mom is obsessed with her old portable radio which she claims to give better clarity than those digital ones. Well, it can be anything from sewing machines(my grandma's pet) to i-pods, from old cycle to these days flashy cars( don't ask me to name it).

Coming to think of it, I do attach myself to my antique LG laptop. Though it is reluctant to work at all right times and hang at all wrong times, I still feel it is the best. You could find a part of me in it-my favorite songs,movies, memorable snaps, my dreams , my career hopes (also worries,as i store all rejection letters of internships i have received), in fact a bit of everything in me. I know it may seem crazy to name the drives after dad ,mom and bro-well that's me. Right from the desktop to customized themes, i identify another me which makes my system as personal as my diary.

My Mobile is yet another thing i got tied to. Being a hostler,mob is a connecting vein to my home. And all those miss calls and forward messages that keeps you bonded with the friends. It taught me an untold yet understandable language. My dad was rolling his eyes at the frequent miss calls while i'm home According to dad's theory is that if you want to call a person, give him a straight call then, why all these miss call 'tamasha'. Well i found myself arguing with him saying that it means a lot,it tells me that though they doesn't have balance, they still think of me and do take pain 2 stay in touch. Whatever, i can't stop myself from smiling when i see a miscall of my friend. Further when i check my in box( mostly when it threatens to be filled up), i see my life rolling by. Those 'miss u' messages from my old friends when i entered college, those introductory messages from my new friends, 'get well soons' when i was laid up with chicken pox, then best wishes when we went to Delhi 4 d moot and of course , those consoling ones when we lost it- really i literally had a walk down the memory lane.

Well. i seem to be lost. Infact, that reminds me of something. This very blog is a sort of special place for me , where i feel i can go on with my random thoughts and never have to bother what others may think and all that....I think I
should put the final full stop.